  • By Admin Koushi
  • (0) comments
  • March 25, 2025

Electrostatic potential Part – 2

Electric potential at a point due to electric dipole: Let us consider an electric dipole consists of -q and +q at points A and B respectively separated by a distance 2a. O is the midpoint of the dipole and the dipole moment is = q2a. P is a point, at a distance r from O, where OP creates angle θ with the axis of the dipole. Let AC and BD are the perpendiculars on PC.

From OAC,  = = i.e., OC = a. Similarly OD = a.

If r>>a, then PA = PC = PO + OC = r + a, and PB = PD = PO – OD  = r – a.

If V is the potential at a point P due to electric dipole then,

V = k[]

= k[ ]

= kq[]


Or, V =  =  [p = q2a = dipole moment and k = ]

If r>>a, then is neglected. So V = .

Potential energy due to electric dipole: 

Let us consider an electric dipole consists of -q and +q at points A and B respectively separated by a distance a is placed in the electric field of intensity  at an angle θ.  The dipole moment is = qa.

The magnitude of torque acting on the dipole is  = pE.

If dθ is the angular displacement of the dipole in electric field then the work done stored as the potential energy of the dipole as dw = dθ = pEdθ. Then the total work done stored into the dipole to rotate it from θ1 to θ2 is W = dW = pE = – pE[cos θ2 – cos θ1] = pE[cos θ1 – cos θ2]

If θ1 = 900 and θ2 = θ then w = – pEcosθ

1. If θ = 00 then, W = – pEcos00 = -pE.  This is stable equilibrium.

2. If θ = 900 then, w = – pEcos900 = 0

3. If θ = 1800 then, w = – pEcos1800 = pE.  This is unstable equilibrium.

Equipotential surface:

An equipotential surface is defined as the surface, on which all points lying are at the same potential.

An equipotential surface is the locus of all points in a medium at which electric potential due to a charge distribution is same.

Electric field is perpendicular to the equipotential surface:

Let us consider A and B are very closed point on the equipotential surface (AB = dr). Let electric field creates angle θ with this surface. Ecosθ is the component of the field along the surface. The potential difference between points A and B is dV = 0. The work done to move a charge q from A to B is dw = q.dV = 0.

Similarly, dw = F.dr = qEcosθdr = 0. As q, E and dr 0 then cosθ = 0

Or, cosθ = cos900  

θ = 900 so, electric field is perpendicular to the equipotential surface.

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Admin Koushi

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